مسلسل And Then There Were None

مسلسل And Then There Were None

Dec. 26, 2015

المواسم والحلقات

1Season 1 Dec. 26, 2015




Charles Dance isJustice Lawrence Wargrave
Justice Lawrence Wargrave
Maeve Dermody isVera Claythorne
Vera Claythorne
Aidan Turner isPhilip Lombard
Philip Lombard
Burn Gorman isD.S. William Blore
D.S. William Blore
Toby Stephens isDr. Edward Armstrong
Dr. Edward Armstrong
Noah Taylor isThomas Rogers
Thomas Rogers
Sam Neill isGeneral John MacArthur
General John MacArthur
Douglas Booth isAnthony Marston
Anthony Marston

العرض التشويقي


يتم دعوة 10 اشخاص غرباء ولا يعرفون بعضهم الى جزيرة معزوله من قبل مجموعة غامضة لا يعملو عنها شئ ،ثم يكتشفون أنهم جميعاً جاءوا لأسباب مزيفة، وأن الذي جاء بهم يعرف الكثير عن حياة كل منهم و اتضح انهم كلهم مسؤلين عن جرائم بشكل غير مباشر و أنهم عالقون في الجزيرة

مسلسل And Then There Were None
مسلسل And Then There Were None
مسلسل And Then There Were None
مسلسل And Then There Were None
مسلسل And Then There Were None
مسلسل And Then There Were None
مسلسل And Then There Were None
مسلسل And Then There Were None
Original title And Then There Were None
TMDb Rating 7.577 526 votes
First air date Dec. 26, 2015
Last air date Dec. 28, 2015
Seasons 1
Episodes 3
Average Duration 60 minutes

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